Is anal stretching real? People often talk about the possibility of permanently stretching the anus during sex, and this seems like something you’d want to avoid. Here, we will talk about whether it is possible and mention the things you can do to ensure you have a pleasurable anal experience.
Studies show…
Many people are afraid to try anal sex because they believe it will cause permanent damage to their butt. So what’s the truth behind it? Does anal really lead to stretching, or is it just a myth? The first thing we’ll talk about is the rectum. Having anal sex will permanently stretch the rectum.
On the other hand, it could stretch the sphincter. The difference here is that the rectum is a part of the large intestine leading to the anus, and the sphincter is the muscle at the end. The anal sphincter muscle has a goal of releasing (or retaining) feces, and as such, it can weaken during sex.
Needless to say, this isn’t something you’d want to happen, and if you are interested in butt play, you will need to know how to ensure the muscle remains effective. One thing is certain — you shouldn’t be afraid of anal if you would like to try it.
How to prevent it from happening
Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do to lower the chances of any potential unpleasant problems that may result from anal play. The first thing on the list is Kegels. For those unaware, Kegel exercises are designed to help one strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.
Some also claim that these exercises can help people increase the intensity of orgasms, and they can also affect the sphincter. The best thing about Kegels is that you don’t need to hit the gym. You can do them while watching your favorite TV show.
Safe anal sex
When we talk about safe anal sex, we don’t only mean protection against STIs. It also means not harming yourself in the process. Anal sex can be enjoyable, and it shouldn’t be painful.
Here, we will talk about all the things you can do to ensure that anal is safe for your body and your sphincter.
Lube up
The first rule of anal sex is to use lubricant and use a lot of it. Unlike the vagina, the anus doesn’t lubricate itself, and having anal (even with a toy) can cause micro-tears in the skin. The tissue and skin around the anus are rather sensitive, and using a lubricant can help you avoid having a painful experience.
Furthermore, the lack of lubrication can also lead to hemorrhoids. There are lubes designed specifically for anal sex, but be careful if you are using a sex toy. Some lubricants are not compatible with different materials, so be sure to know how to match them. For example, you should always avoid using a silicone-based lube with toys made from the same material.
Get loose
Trying out anal for the first time can be scary. Being afraid of the potential pain will cause you to become even tenser than you should be. As a result, your sphincter will be tense as well. You need to relax since it is the only way to enjoy anal.
The best option here is to start slow. There is no reason to jump straight to a ten-inch dildo. Firstly, you should test it with your finger. You will get the idea of how things work and how anal will feel. Over time, you will get used to the sensation in your anus, and you’ll be ready to try the real thing. More importantly, you will be relaxed since you will have a clear idea of what to expect. Once you have more experience with smaller butt plugs, then you can adjust the size accordingly. In fact, you may even use butt plugs with different shapes and designs like the hollow ones from LG for varying sensations.
Use a condom
Using a condom is something you hear time and again when it comes to sex, and anal is no different. It is the best way to stay safe, and it can help you avoid potential health problems. Obviously, we are talking about sexually transmitted diseases, but there is one more thing you should know.
The anus is filled with bacteria, and it can be easily spread over your body. For example, the bacteria from the rectum can reach the urethra and cause a urinary tract infection. This is why you should never use the same toy for vaginal and anal stimulation unless it’s cleaned properly between sessions.
Know your G.I. tract
You need to know how your body works, and this includes the gastrointestinal tract. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, anal sex can trigger it. Needless to say, this is the last thing you want to experience during sex.
There is no reason to push yourself or to try to prove anything. If something feels wrong or unpleasant, you should probably stop. This rule applies to all types of sex. The skin around the anus is sensitive, and if you feel any type of irritation, take a break. Just remember that sex is something that should be enjoyable, and sexual health problems are not something you’d want to experience.